Monday 30 July 2007

Thirsty in Hungary

Hello all
Hozj pozj.. (How are you) We have been having a rare old time out here in Hungary. We arrived at my mate Patrick and Susza's bar in Budapest - The Caledonia (it is now a must in Budapest for all weary travellers) and enjoyed the first of many cold ones!! The beer here is ace - but then I would say that .. Hmmmm Beer (homer simpson styley). Dreher is our favourite at the minute - nice smooth pilsner, ice cold fresh taste... Anyway, after a couple of good days in Budapest we headed on a cruise up the Danube to a beautiful place called Visegrad which is steeped in mediaeval history and it was a real unspoilt area of Hungary. We cooled down by swimming in the Danube and of course ice cold Dreher. Then it was back to Budapest to catch the train (more of that later - oh what a journey!!) to Siofok on Lake Balaton. Both of us sunbathed for England yesterday and I forgot to turn over and now look like a giant crabstick!! Rainz today, which is not a bad thing really - chance to cool down.. Update soon .. photos to follow... happz dayzs to you xx Mick and Andi

1 comment:

Red said...

I am glad you are enjoying your time in Hungary. You know we also have warm temps, plenty of sun and I am sure I could find a bit of sand around here somewhere. Anyway have a cold one for the males in my family.